
Academic Report By Deke Key Laboratory Of Ministry Of Education

2011-01-10 11:57 Share:

 Lecturer: Dr. Zi Huang

Lecture Time: 2011.1.11 10:00am-12:00am

Lecture Place: Lecture Hall

Monitoring near-duplicate videos over continuous video streams



Online video steam data is surging to an unprecedented level. Massive video publishing and sharing impose heavy demands on continuous video near-duplicate detection for many novel video applications. In this talk, we will present an accurate and accelerated system for video near-duplicate detection over continuous video streams. We propose to transform a high-dimensional video stream into a one-dimensional Video Distance Trajectory (VDT) to monitor the continuous visual changes of consecutive frames, based on which video similarity is derived. To avoid unnecessary sequence similarity computations, an efficient sequence skipping strategy is also applied. Extensive experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposals.


Short Biography:


Dr. Huang is an Australian Postdoctoral Fellow in School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland. She received her BSc degree from Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University, China, and her PhD in Computer Science from School of ITEE, the University of Queensland. Dr. Huang's research interests include multimedia search, knowledge discovery, and bioinformatics. Her recent works on video indexing, search and near-duplicate retrieval are recognized by top conferences and journals.