

The University of Queensland

1. Overview of international partners

Queensland University is located in the eastern coastal city of Brisbane, Australia, is Queensland's first comprehensive university, founded in 1910, is one of Australia's largest and most prestigious universities, is Queensland's oldest university. The University of Queensland is known as one of the member of the "Australian Ivy League" of the Group of Eight Union (Australia eight prestigious Union), while one (UNIVERSITAS 21) member of the World Alliance for 21 universities, funding and academic level of scientific research in the University of Queensland Australian universities are always among the top three ranked in the number of doctoral up. 2009 TIMES latest world rankings 41, 2010 the United States, "US News and World Report" (USNWR), and the United Kingdom 43 QS latest world rankings.

2. Both sides in the cooperation of the teachers

The teacher is currently participating in the cooperative RUC's Xiaoyong Du teacher, Queensland's Zhou XiaoFang teacher, and Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) of Wang Haixun teacher. Among them, Zhou Fang and Wang Haixun teacher also are NPC "people plan" distinguished professor and part-time professor and doctoral tutor in RUC.

3. The ways of cooperation

Five basic types of cooperation:

a. Renmin University of China and the University of Queensland PhD joint training dual degree program (schedule: Congress for two years, Queensland for two, Microsoft Research Asia, one year)

b. Zhou XiaoFang teacher to the RUC annual visit three to six months, to participate in academic exchanges, and guide their conduct doctoral research work at the National People's Congress;

c. Zhou XiaoFang regularly invites outstanding undergraduate and graduate students at the University of the Chinese People's University of Queensland PhD travel or participate in short-term academic visits;

d. Australia IT and Electronic Engineering School of the University of Queensland with our undergraduate about 3 + 1 + 1 cooperation projects are being signed;

e. Queensland for Molecular Bioscience, University Department of Computer and our machine learning lab teacher Nan Yang, Liu, Li Yaping &other teachers on the medical aspects of data processing and mining cooperation is started.

4. The main activity in the past three years

a. By the end of 2012, the Renmin University of China and the University of Queensland PhD dual degree joint training project officially started, there are a student involved in the project;

b. Summer 2013, teacher Zhou come to the Renmin University of China to give lectures, and is one of the invited international experts Sa Shi Xuan International Data Summer Research Center, School of Information and actively support the NPC camp sponsored research;

c. September 2011 to April 2012, joint training doctoral students to participate in the project went to visit the University of Queensland study seven months, with remarkable results, published in good academic;

d. IT and Electronic Engineering, Dean of University of Queensland Professor Paul Strooper and Ms. Lute Coremans exchanges Secretary of the International University of Queensland, Australia to visit our school on October 25, 2013. Our vice president, International Director of the Commission, Professor Zuo MeiYun and international exchange committee secretary Du ZhongChao teacher met our college professor Paul Strooper, undergraduate 3 + 1 + 1 projects into the operational level.

e. October 18, 2013 morning, Queensland University Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) and the Office of Graduate Studies Mrs. Olga Chaourova researcher Dr. Zhe Yang visited our college. Our Department of Computer Machine Learning Lab teacher Nan Yang, Liu, Li Yaping and international exchange committee secretary Du ZhongChao teacher to participate in the talks. Cooperation on teacher research, undergraduate, graduate internships abroad, recruiting PhD students on issues such as a detailed analysis of its feasibility clearly envisaged further steps to reach the intention to further coordination and cooperation.

f. October 23, 2014, the University of Queensland, Ms. Lute Coremans visited our school, with our school students who interested in the project for the exchange.