
Some Professors and Ph.D Studnets of our School Attended SIGMOD 2017

2017-06-12 02:45 Share:

In May 2017, the top international database conference SIGMOD 2017 was held in Chicago, America. Associate professor Fan Ju, Wei Zhewei and doctor Bian Haoqiong attended the meeting and presented the thesis.

In the morning of May 14th Associate professor Fan Ju organized a tutorial entitled “Crowdsourced Data Management: Overview and Challenges”, they introduced the research focus on crowdsourcing data management in recent years, including crowdsource quality control, cost control, delay control and the development on crowdsource database system and other contents.

On May 16th doctor Bian Haoqiong presented the thesis entitled “Wide Table Layout Optimization based on Column Ordering and Duplication” and had interactions and communications with the participants. This thesis is the fruit of the corporation our school made with MSRA and doctor Bian Haoqiong was the first author, other writers included associate professor Chen yueguo and professor Du Xiaoyong. The thesis improved the access performance on the wide table data of HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System) through adjusting data columns and copying commonly used columns in column-based storage in HDFS. HDFS is the common platform and industrial standard, and the improving of its data storage and access performance has vast importance to the mass data ecosystem.

On May 17th associate professor Fan Ju presented the thesis entitled “Discovering Your Selling Points: Personalized Social Influential Tag Exploration” with the collaborators. This work lay emphasis on discovering influencing topics in mass social network and can be used in several areas such as social network advertisements and viral marketing. Associate professor Fan Ju has another crowdsource thesis corporate with Tsinghua University entitled “CDB: Optimizing Queries with Crowd-Based Selections and Joins” this work lay its emphasis on constructing a practical crowdsource database system.

SIGMOD is a top meeting in international computer industry database area which owns the top academic standing. The meeting was sponsored by Association for Computing Machinery(ACM) and Special Interest Group on Management of Data(SIGMOD) once a year and has held 36 times. The purpose of the meeting is to provide a platform to explore the latest academic thoughts and research method and exchange developing skills, tools and experience for database researchers, developers and users all over the world. The current SIGMOD meeting received 489 research paper in all and announced 96, the passing rate is only 19%. Further more, the meeting also received 13 Tutorials, 31 demo and 4 industrial paper.

In former SIGMOD meetings, teachers and students from Information School announced 7 thesis as the first writer, which was at the forefront among domestic universities. This shows the leading position in domestic database area of our school.


【1】 “Wide Table Layout Optimization based on Column Ordering and Duplication”


【2】 “Discovering Your Selling Points: Personalized Social Influential Tag Exploration”


【3】“CDB: Optimizing Queries with Crowd-Based Selections and Joins”


【4】“Crowdsourced Data Management: Overview and Challenges”