
The Second Workshop on Differential Geometry and Differential Equations was held at Renmin University

2017-06-12 05:15 Share:

In November 12th to 14th, 2016, The Second Workshop on Differential Geometry and Differential Equations was held in building of Chinese classics in Renmin University. The workshop was jointly held by the departments of mathematics of School of Information in Renmin University and Renmin University of China Institute for Mathematical Sciences. The workshop aims at pushing forward the research and achievements, promoting corporation and communication on differential geometry and differential equations. Discuss the relating frontier subject, enhance intermingle and corporation, and promote the construction and development of mathematical subjects in Renmin University.

The workshop receive the support and was sponsored by Renmin University, National Natural Science Foundation of China, “double first class (双一流)” construction project. 20 professional scholars, including one CAS member, two Chang Jiang Scholars and four awarded The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, came from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Hokkaido University, Tohoku University, Fudan University, Xiamen University and SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY together with nearly 200 teachers and students gathered together to display the latest research achievements and exchange academic thoughts revolving around the topic “differential geometry and differential equations.”

The opening ceremony was held on December 12th in the morning, and was conducted by Professor Lou Yuan, president of Renmin University of China Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Professor Lin Yong, head of departments of mathematics of School of Information in Renmin University, representing the departments of mathematics gave thanks to all experts and scholars attended the meeting.

Du Xiaoyong, construction department of the science department, vice president of the association for science and technology, attended the opening ceremony and made a speech. He said that this workshop helped to promote the research levels and international view of Institutes for mathematical sciences in Renmin University, and has made contributions to research in mathematical theories, academic communications and development of the subject. Hope that the School of Information can continue in promoting the construction and development of mathematical subjects and inherit the spirit of this workshop.

Zhao Yulin, vice president of the Institute of Development Projects gave a speech representing Renmin University to welcome the experts attending the workshop and showed his congratulations to the workshop and expressed the will and determination in supporting constructions of mathematical subjects of the university.

In this workshop, CAS members Zhou Xiangyu, professor Fang Fuquan, Vice President from Capital Normal University, research scientist Zhang Liqun from Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor Yao Zhengan, Dean of School of mathematics, Sun Yat-Sen University, professor Zhu Xiaohua and Fan Huijunfrom Peking University, professor Zou Wenming and Chen Daguang from Tsinghua University, professor Hua Bobo from Fudan University, professor Zhang Huichun from Sun Yat-Sen University, professor Zhedanov Alexei and Takagi Izumi, professor Zhang Weinian from Sichuan University, professor Shin-Ichiro Ei form Hokkaido University, professor Chen Hua from School of Mathematics and Statistics, WuHan University, professor Qian Chao from Beijing Institute of Technology, professor Wang Zuoqin from University of Science and Technology of China, professor Tan Zhong, vice president of Xiamen University Graduate School, professor Deng Yinbing from Central China Normal University and professor Qu Changzheng, Dean of mathematical department of Ningbo University gave report on the latest problems in differential geometry and differential equations areas one after another.

After The First Workshop on Differential Geometry and Differential Equations held successfully in 2015, The Second Workshop on Differential Geometry and Differential Equations gathered a group of excellent scholars in differential geometry and differential equations area. This helps our university to continue in promoting mathematical subjects through innovation attract the talents on the two threads of insisting the specialty and laid a solid foundation. At the same time, the workshop enhances the communications between the experts in this area and create a good basis on further academic workshops and corporations.