
Renmin University won the first prize of science and technology progress award for the first time

2017-06-12 06:43 Share:

In the past few days, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development Center announced the award programs of outstanding achievement prize of the colleges and universities’ scientific research in science and technology. The program “innovations and achievement transformation of data base online analytical processing and multiple data types support” declared by Du Xiaoyong, Chen Hong, Zhang Xiao, Zhang Yansong, Li Cuiping, Lu Jiaheng, Wangshan from school of information was awarded the first prize for scientific and technological progress of the Ministry of Education in 2016.

“innovations and achievement transformation of data base online analytical processing and multiple data types support” is part of the achievement the applicant achieved with the help of the country’s 863 project and “core electron device, High-end general chips and basic software product” project. The main technical innovations are the following: First, researched and developed various kinds of OLAP accelerate techniques aiming to mass data analyze requirements of disk scan, RAM, processor cache and system architecture. Second, the research on the new techniques in relational data and seamless integration of XML data and the consolidation of semi structured data and unstructured data on relational database management system. All the above achievements include 13 patent application, 7 of which applied, and 1 software copyright.

Outstanding achievement prize of the Ministry of Education awards the individuals and units who creative contributions in applications and promotions of advanced scientific and technological achievements and finishing important scientific projects, plans and programs, or making great contributions in popularization of scientific knowledge.

It’s the first time that our university was awarded the kind of prize.