中国人民大学青年杰出学者。2015年获得香港城市大学商葡京娱乐场官方网站 博士学位。主要从事商业分析、大数据、隐私保护,区块链、可解释AI、计量经济学等方向研究。在INFORMS Journal on Computing, Production and Operations Management,Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Internet Research, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Safety Science,Intelligent Systems等信息系统,运作管理,运筹学等顶级权威期刊, ICIS,ECIS,PACIS等顶级会议发表文章20余篇。担任Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI) 副主编(AE),
Web Intelligence:An International Journal 编委(Editorial Board)。
2005年9月-2009年7月 中国科学技术大学,葡京娱乐场官方网站 ,工程学士(信息安全)
•2016.9-2021.7 讲师,中国人民大学,葡京娱乐场官方网站
•2015.9-2016.8 博士后研究员,信息系统学系,香港城市大学
•2015.6-2015.8 助理研究员,信息系统学系,香港城市大学
•2010.4-2011.5 助理研究员,信息系统学系,香港城市大学
•2009.10-2010.3 助理研究员,计算学系,香港理工大学
•国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,72271235,标题党多维度分析、影响力及作用机制研究。2023-01-01-2026-12-31,44万元,在研,主持
•国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于动态商业网络的企业创新能力研究,71801217, 2019.01-2021.12,18万元,结项,主持
•Wang, X., Huang, T., Zhang, W., Zeng, Q., and Liu, Z. (2024) Is information normalization helpful in online communication? Evidence from online healthcare consultation. (Forthcoming, 通讯作者,IF 6.773,学校A)
•Zhang, J., Jiang, Q., Zhang, W., Kang, L., Lowry, P. B., & Zhang, X. (2023). Explaining the Outcomes of Social Gamification: A Longitudinal Field Experiment. Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS),40(2), 401-439. (通讯作者,国际顶级期刊,信息系统领域国际TOP3, FT50,ABS 4分,JCR一区,ABDC List A* Journal,IF:7.838,人大国际A)
•Liu, Z., Xu, W., Zhang, W., & Jiang, Q. (2023). An emotion-based personalized music recommendation framework for emotion improvement. Information Processing & Management, 60(3), 103256. (通讯作者,JCR一区, IF: 7.466, 学校A-)
•Mengxi Zhou, Wei Xu, Wenping Zhang, Qiqi Jiang: Leverage knowledge graph and GCN for fine-grained-level clickbait detection. World Wide Web 25(3): 1243-1258 (2022) (通讯作者,IF: 3.0, 学校A-)
•Yang, Z., Zhang, W., & Feng, J. (2022). Predicting multiple types of traffic accident severity with explanations: A multi-task deep learning framework. Safety Science, 146, 105522.(通讯作者, IF 4.877, 学校A)
•Zhang, W., Wei, C. P., Jiang, Q., Peng, C. H., & Zhao, J. L. (2021). Beyond the block: A novel blockchain-based technical model for long-term care insurance. Journal of Management Information Systems, 38(2), 374-400.(国际顶级期刊,信息系统领域国际TOP3, FT50,ABS 4分,JCR一区,ABDC List A* Journal,IF:7.838,人大国际A).
Du, W., Yan, Q., Zhang, W., & Ma, J. (2021). Leveraging online behaviors for interpretable knowledge-aware patent recommendation. Internet Research.(通讯作者,IF 6.773,学校A)
•Zhang, W., Du, W., Bian, Y., Peng, C., &Jiang Q. (2020). Seeing is not always believing: an exploratory study of clickbait in WeChat. Internet Research. 30(3): 1043-1058.(IF 6.773,学校A)
•Wang, Y., Xu, W., Zhang, W., & Zhao, J. L. (2020). SafeDrive: A New Model for Driving Risk Analysis Based on Crash Avoidance. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.(通讯作者,IF 6.492, 学校A-)
•Zhang, W., Kang, L., Jiang, Q., & Pei, L. (2020). A 2020 perspective on “From buzz to bucks: The impact of social media opinions on the locus of innovation”: From Surfaces to Essences. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. Volume 40. S1567422320300417.
•Tao, X., Pham, T., Zhang, J., Yong, J., Goh, W. P., Zhang, W., & Cai, Y. (2020). Mining health knowledge graph for health risk prediction. World Wide Web, 1-22.
•Lau, R. Y. K., Zhang, W., & Xu, W. (2018). Parallel aspect‐oriented sentiment analysis for sales forecasting with big data. Production and Operations Management, 27(10), 1775-1794. (共同一作,国际顶级期刊,运作管理领域国际TOP 4, UTD24,FT50, 人大国际A)
•Zhang, W., Kang, L., Jiang, Q., & Pei, L. (2018). From buzz to bucks: the impact of social media opinions on the locus of innovation. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications.
•Goh, W. P., Tao, X., Zhang, J., Yong, J., Zhang, W., & Xie, H. (2018). Drug prescription support in dental clinics through drug corpus mining. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 6(4), 341-349.
•Lau, R. Y., Zhao, J. L., Zhang, W., Cai, Y., & Ngai, E. W. (2015). Learning Context-Sensitive Domain Ontologies from Folksonomies: A Cognitively Motivated Method. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 27(3), 561-578. (国际顶级期刊,运筹学TOP4,UTD24,人大国际A)
•Zhao, J., Lau, R. Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, K., Chen, X., & Tang, D. (2016). Extracting and reasoning about implicit behavioral evidences for detecting fraudulent online transactions in e-Commerce. Decision Support Systems, 86, 109-121
•Zhang, W., Li, C., Ye, Y., Li, W., & Ngai, E. W. (2015). Dynamic Business Network Analysis for Correlated Stock Price Movement Prediction. Intelligent Systems, IEEE, 30(2), 26-33. (SCI, Impact factor 2015: 3.532)
•Lau, R.Y.K. and Zhang, W. (2010). “Non-Monotonic Modeling for Personalized Services Retrieval and Selection,” International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering, 1(2):55-68.
主要会议论文(Selected Conference Paper)•Xuan Wang, Tao Huang, Xin Sun, Wenping Zhang, What kind of doctor looks more popular? A multi-dimensional study on online healthcare consultation, 2023, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.
•Wenping Zhang, Hui Yuan, Wei Xu, Raymond Y. K. Lau. 2019. Hospital Reliability Evaluation in Chinese Context: A Study from the Decision Theory Perspective. ICIS.(信息系统排名第一国际会议)
•Zhang, W., Jiang, Q., & Peng, C. (2019). UNFOLDING THE CLICKBAIT: A SIREN’S CALL IN THE ATTENTION ECONOMY. In The 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2019. European Conference on Information Systems.(信息系统领域顶会)
•Zhang, W., Kang, L., Jiang, Q., & Bian, Y. (2018). MORE THAN THE TONE: THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA OPINIONS ON INNOVATION INVESTMENTS. In The 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2018. European Conference on Information Systems.(信息系统领域顶会)
•Zhang, W., Xu, M., & Jiang, Q. (2018, July). Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis in Social Media: Challenges and Applications. In International Conference on HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations (pp. 536-548). Springer, Cham.
•Zhang, W., Lau, R.Y.K., and Li., C. 2014. “Adaptive Big Data Analytics for Deceptive Review Detection in Online Social Media,” Proceedings of the 35rd International Conference on Information Systems , Completed Research Paper. (信息系统排名第一国际会议)
•Zhang, W., Lau, R.Y.K. 2013. “The Design of a Network-based Model for Business Performance Prediction,” Proceedings of the 34rd International Conference on Information Systems, Completed Research Paper. (信息系统排名第一国际会议)
•Zhang, W., Lau, R.Y.K., Liao, S.S., Kwok, R.C.W. 2012. “A Probabilistic Generative Model for Latent Business Networks Mining”. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Systems, Completed Research Paper. (信息系统排名第一国际会议)
•Zhang, W., Lau, R.Y.K., Xia, Y., Li, C., and Li. W.M. 2012. “Latent Business Networks Mining: A Probabilistic Generative Model,” Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence.
•Song, L., Zhang, W., Lau, R.Y.K., Liao, S., and Kwok, W. R.C. “A Critical Analysis of the State-of-the-art On Automated Detection of Deceptive Behavior in Social Media,” PACIS 2012 Proceedings. Paper 168.
•Zhang, W., Yi, C., Lau, R.Y.K., Liao, S.S, and Kwok, C.W.R. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Semi-Supervised Text Mining For Dynamic Business Network Discovery,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" PACIS 2012 Proceedings. Paper 138.
•Lau, R.Y.K., Zhang, W., Bruza, P.D., and Wong, K.F. “Learning Domain-specific Sentiment Lexicons for Predicting Product Sales,” In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, pages 131-138, Beijing, China, October 19-21 2011. IEEE Press.
•Lau, R.Y.K., Zhang, W., and Tao, X. “Automatic Construction of Domain-specific Sentiment Lexicon for Context-Sensitive Opinion Retrieval,” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pp 296-300, 10/6/2011 - 12/6/2011.
Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI), Associate Editor
Web Intelligence, Editorial Board
Natural Language Processing Journal, Editorial Board
Journal of Global Information Management,Special Issue Leader Guest Editor (2023)
Decision Support Systems, Special Issue Guest Associate Editor (2023)
Information Systems Research (ISR)
Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ)
Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS)
Informs Journal on Computing (JOC)
Production and Operations Management (POM)
Decision Support System (DSS)
Information & Management
International Conference on Information Systems
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
•2023年 中国人民大学军训优秀个人
•2022年 中国人民大学标兵班主任
•2021年 中国人民大学优秀科研成果奖
•2019年 中国人民大学优秀本科毕业论文指导老师
•2017年 中国人民大学青年杰出学者