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2004.09-2008.07: 哈尔滨工业大学,计算机科学与技术葡京娱乐场官方网站 ,博士学位。
2002.09-2004.07: 哈尔滨工业大学,计算机科学与技术葡京娱乐场官方网站 ,硕士学位。
1998.09-2002.07: 内蒙古大学,计算机葡京娱乐场官方网站 ,本科学位。
国家自然科学基金项目-联合基金项目,深度学习支持的政府治理大数据分析与预测关键技术研究,2018年1月- 2022年12月,项目参与人
国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于词向量表示的大规模知识图谱构建方法研究,2015年1月- 2018年12月,已结题,项目主持人。
中国人民大学科学研究基金面上项目,专业领域术语的自动抽取方法研究,2008年10月- 2010年12月,已结题,项目主持人。
(1) Guangyu Chen, Deyuan Zhang, Tao Liu, Xiaoyong Du: EFT: Expert Fusion Transformer for Voice-Face Association Learning. ICME 2023: 2603-2608
(2) Guangyu Chen, Deyuan Zhang, Tao Liu, Xiaoyong Du: Local-Global Contrast for Learning Voice-Face Representations. ICIP 2023: 51-55
(3) Guangyu Chen, Deyuan Zhang, Tao Liu, Xiaoyong Du: Self-Lifting: A Novel Framework for Unsupervised Voice-Face Association Learning. ICMR 2022: 527-535
(4) Chuyuan Xiong, Deyuan Zhang, Tao Liu, Xiaoyong Du: Voice-Face Cross-modal Matching and Retrieval: A Benchmark. CoRR abs/1911.09338 (2019)
(5) Bofang Li, Aleksandr Drozd, Yuhe Guo, Tao Liu, Satoshi Matsuoka, Xiaoyong Du: Scaling Word2Vec on Big Corpus. Data Science and Engineering 4(2): 157-175 (2019)
(6) Zhe Zhao, Hui Chen, Jinbin Zhang, Xin Zhao, Tao Liu, Wei Lu, Xi Chen, Haotang Deng, Qi Ju, Xiaoyong Du: UER: An Open-Source Toolkit for Pre-training Models. EMNLP/IJCNLP (3) 2019: 241-246
(7) Puwei Wang, Ji Meng, Jinchuan Chen, Tao Liu, Ying Zhan, Wei-Tek Tsai, Zhi Jin: Smart Contract-Based Negotiation for Adaptive QoS-Aware Service Composition. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 30(6): 1403-1420 (2019)
(8)Guangyu Chen, Tao Liu, Deyuan Zhang, Bo Yu, Baoxun Wang,
Complex Named Entity Recognition via Deep Multi-task Learning from Scratch,NLPCC,2018: 221-233
(9) Shen Li, Zhe Zhao, Renfen Hu, Wensi Li, Tao Liu, Xiaoyong Du,Analogical Reasoning on Chinese Morphological and Semantic Relations,ACL,2018
(10) Bofang Li, Aleksandr Drozd, Tao Liu, Xiaoyong Du,Subword-level Composition Functions for Learning Word Embeddings,NAACL workshop SCLeM 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana.
(11) Bofang Li, Tao Liu, Zhe Zhao, Xiaoyong Du. Attention-based Recurrent Neural Network for Sequence Labeling, APWeb-WAIM 2018, Macau.
(12) Bofang Li, Tao Liu, Zhe Zhao, Buzhou Tang, Aleksandr Drozd, Anna Rogers and Xiaoyong Du, Investigating Different Syntactic Context Types and Context Representations for Learning Word Embeddings, EMNLP,2017
(13) Zhe Zhao, Tao Liu, Shen Li, Bofang Li and Xiaoyong Du, Ngram2vec: Learning Improved Word Representations from Ngram Co-occurrence Statistics, EMNLP, 2017
(14) Shen Li, Zhe Zhao, Tao Liu, Renfen Hu and Xiaoyong Du, Initializing Convolutional Filters with Semantic Features for Text Classification, EMNLP,2017
(15) Zhe Zhao, Tao Liu,Shen Li,Bofang Li,Xiaoyong Du,Guiding the Training of Distributed Text Representation with Supervised Weighting Scheme for Sentiment Analysis,DSE,2017
(16)Bofang Li, Tao Liu, Zhe Zhao, Puwei Wang, Xiaoyong Du, Neural Bag-of-Ngrams, AAAI, 2017
(17)Bofang Li, Zhe Zhao, Tao Liu, Puwei Wang, Xiaoyong Du, Weighted Neural Bag-of-n-grams Model: New Baselines for Text Classification, COLING, 2016
(18)Zhe Zhao, Tao Liu, Bofang Li, Xiaoyong Du, Cluster-Driven Model for ImprovedWord and Text Embedding, ECAI, 2016
(19)Bofang Li, Tao Liu, Xiaoyong Du, Deyuan Zhang, Zhe Zhao, Learning Document Embeddings by Predicting N-grams for Sentiment Classification of Long Movie Reviews,ICLR workshop, 2016
(20)Zhe Zhao, Tao Liu, Xiaoyun Hou, Bofang Li, Xiaoyong Du, Distributed Text Representation with Weighting Scheme Guidance for Sentiment Analysis, APWEB, 2016
(21)Xiaoyun Hou, Zhe Zhao, Tao Liu, Xiaoyong Du, Classifying Relation via Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network based on Local Information, APWEB, 2016
(22)Zhe Zhao, Tao Liu, Jun Chen, Bofang Li, Xiaoyong Du, A Text Retrieval System Based on Distributed Representations, APWEB,demo paper,2016
(23)Tao Liu, Minghui Li, Improving Relation Descriptor Extraction with Word Embeddings and Cluster Features, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), USA, Oct 5-8, 2014: pp 1290-1294
(24)Tao Liu, Sparse Topic Model for Text Classification, the fourth IEEE International Workshop on Web Information Processing (IWWIP), China, 16 July, 2013.pp 1916-1920.
(25)Tao Liu, Xiaoyong Du, Yongdong Xu, Minghui Li, Xiaolong Wang, Partially Supervised Text Classification with Multi-Level Examples, the Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), USA, August 7-11, 2011:890-895.
(26) Tao Liu, Minghui Li, Shusen Zhou, Xiaoyong Du, Sentiment Classification via L2-norm Deep Belief Network, 20th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), UK, October 24-28, 2011:135-140.
(27) Tao Liu, A Novel Text Classification Approach Based on Deep Belief Network, 17th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Australia, Nov 22-25, 2010: 314-321.
(28) Tao Liu, Biao Fan, He Hu, Xiaoyong Du, Lawyer Information Integration and Recommendation by Multi-Source Lawyer Information Validation, the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Web Information Processing, China, July 11-12, 201
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