演讲人: Mitsuo Gen(玄光南),台湾清华大学
讲座时间: 9月18日下午2:30-3:30
讲座地点: 信息楼417会议室
报告人简介:Mitsuo Gen, PhD: Electrical Eng., Kogakuin University 1975 and Informatics,
Kyoto University 2006.
Faculty: Ashikaga Institute of Tech. 1975-2003 and Waseda University 2003-2009.
Visiting Faculty: University of California, Berkeley 1999-2000, Texas A&M University
2000, Hanyanag University 2010-2011 and National Tsing Hua University 2012-current.
Research Field: Evolutionary Computation, Manufacturing Scheduling and Logistics
Google Scholar: //scholar.google.com/citations?user=1NG9laQAAAAJ&hl=en
讲座摘要:Many real world applications of Mathematics and Computer Science to real world problems impose on more complex issues, such as complex structure, complex constraints, and multiple objectives to be handled simultaneously and make the problem intractable to the traditional approaches. Network models provide a useful way for modeling various operation management problems and are extensively used in many different types of systems: Manufacturing and Logistics areas. Network-based optimization is basically a fundamental issue in various fields.
Network models and optimization for various Scheduling/Routing problems in Manufacturing and Logistics systems also provide a useful way as one of case studies in real world problems and are extensively used in practice. Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms in AI (Artificial Intelligence) technique have recently received a considerable attention because of its potential of being a very effective design optimization technique for solving various NP hard optimization problems and complex information processing, manufacturing and logistics systems. This invited talk introduces a thorough treatment of several Genetic Algorithms (GA) to treat the following various Scheduling/Routing optimization problems based on various network-based models from the textbook: “Network Models and Optimization: Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms”, 710pp,
Springer, London, 2008: //www.springer.com/engineering/production+eng/book/978-1-84800-180-0