演讲人: Zhian Wang,Department of Applied Mathematics
讲座时间: 2014年12月16日,2:00-3:00pm
讲座地点: 中国人民大学环境葡京娱乐场官方网站 316房间
Most of existing researches on chemotaxis models deal with attraction and repulsion separately. But in some biological processes, the repulsive process often follows the attraction to accomplish certain biological objectives. In such scenario, a chemotaxis model with combined attraction and repulsion will be more realistic. In this talk, we shall discuss the completing effects in an attraction-repulsion chemotaxis model describing aggregation of Microglia in Alzhemer’s disease, and show various interesting behaviors resulting from the competition of attraction and repulsion, including global existence, blowup, critical mass phenomenon and pattern formations.Numerical simulation of pattern formations will be shown and open questions will be discussed.