
发布时间: 2011-06-17 03:15:00 浏览次数: 供稿:未知
讲座时间:0000-00-00 00:00:00

演讲人: 印第安纳大学图书情报葡京娱乐场官方网站 丁颖助理教授

讲座时间: 2011年6月20日 上午 10:00-11:30

讲座地点: 理工配楼二层会议室

讲座内容: Semantic Modeling of Scientist: the VIVO ontology


VIVO has been funded by NIH to create a semantic Facebook for scientist. It utilizes Semantic Web technologies to model scientists and provides federated search to enhance the discovery of researchers and collaborators across the country. The VIVO ontology team is developing a core ontology for modeling scientists, publications, resources, grants, locations, and services. It incorporates classes from popular ontologies, such as BIBO, Dublin Core, Event, FOAF, geopolitical, and SKOS. VIVO data is based on high quality personnel data for VIVO partner institutions (i.e., University of Florida, Cornell University, Indiana University, Washington University, Weill Cornell Medical College, Scripps, and Ponce School of Medicine) that comes primarily from faculty annual reports, with additional publication data from Scopus and PubMed. VIVO data is for scientists with a focus on research (i.e., educational background, publications, expertise, grants), teaching (i.e., courses, seminars, training), and service (i.e., organizing conferences, editorial boards, other community services).

VIVO是由美国国家健康研究院(NIH)资助的一个项目,该项目的目标是利用语义网及本体技术建设一个支持交流和发现的国家科学家网络,其核心部分是开源的VIVO本体。VIVO在语义网及本体技术方面具有较强的理论水平和实践成果。美国哈佛大学主建的学术搜索引擎Harvard Catalyst也采用了VIVO本体来扩展它的功能。讲座人Dr. Ying Ding是VIVO项目语义本体团队的负责人。


Dr. Ying Ding is an Assistant Professor at the School of Library and Information Science, Indianan University. Before she worked as a senior researcher at the University of Innsbruck, Austria and as a researcher at the Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She completed her Ph.D. at the School of Applied Science, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She is the ontology team lead of the NIH funded VIVO project. She has been involved in various European-Union funded projects: research-oriented EU projects (EASAIER, OntoKnowledge, IBROW, SWWS, COG, Htechsight, Esperonto, SEKT, DIP, Triple Space Computing), thematic network (Ontoweb, knowledgeweb), and Accompanied Measurements (Multiple). She has published 100+ papers in journals, conferences and workshops. She serves as a Program Committee member for 100+ international conferences and workshops. She is co-author of the book "Intelligent Information Integration in B2B Electronic Commerce" published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. She is also co-author of book chapters in the book "Spinning the Semantic Web" published by MIT Press and "Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-driven Knowledge Management" published by Wiley. Her current interest areas include Webometrics, Semantic Web, citation analysis, information retrieval, knowledge management and application of Web Technology.


VIVO //vivoweb.org/

Dr. Ying Ding //info.slis.indiana.edu/~dingying/
