演讲人: Prof. Ping Zhang
讲座时间: 2011年12月13日上午9:00-12:00
讲座地点: 信息楼二层会议室
讲座内容: 讲座题目:The Positivity, Negativity and Longevity of Affective Evaluations in ICT Adoption and Continued Use
As information and communication technologies (ICT) become widely available and users gain more experience with them, functionality and usability are not the only expectations of users any more. This study investigates the impacts of individuals’ affective evaluations of ICT on adoption and use decisions at the initial and continued use stages. We clarify distinctions between affective and cognitive evaluations, between object-based and behavior-based evaluations, and between positive and negative evaluations. Two object-based affective evaluation concepts are introduced that are believed to be independent of each other and play different important roles in forming ICT adoption and use decisions: Perception of Positive Affective Quality (PPAQ) and Perception of Negative Affective Quality (PNAQ) of ICT. A longitudinal study on a learning management system use in a mandatory use context confirmed that PPAQ and PNAQ are distinct concepts that have different effects on commonly studied ICT adoption/use factors: perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), and attitude toward using the ICT (ATB). Additional analyses provide more insight into the dynamics of ICT use phenomenon over time.
Dr. Ping Zhang is Professor in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University. Her research interests include the intellectual development of information related fields; human-centeredness in ICT development, evaluation and use. She publishes in information systems, human-computer interaction and information science journals and conference proceedings. She is co-editor of two edited books on HCI and MIS, and is co-author of the first HCI textbook for non-CS students. Dr. Zhang has received four Best Paper awards, three nominations for best paper awards, an excellence in teaching award, and two service awards. She and Dennis Galletta are founding Editors-in-Chief for AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction since 2008. In addition, she is Senior Editors, Guest Editors and Editors in several international journals such as MIS Quarterly, and Communications of Association for Information Systems. 主办单位:葡京娱乐场官方网站 、人事处联合举办