演讲人: 李国良博士
讲座时间: 2010年4月22日上午10:00-11:30
讲座地点: 中国人民大学信息楼四层学术报告厅
Traditional query processing approaches on relational and XML databases are constrained by the query constructs imposed by query languages such as SQL and XQuery. First, the query languages themselves can be difficult to comprehend for non-database users. Second, these query languages require queries to be posed against the underlying, sometimes complex, database schemas. Third, although some applications can be provided on top of databases to facilitate easy access of the underlying data, it is rather difficult to devise a versatile application which can adapt to any underlying database. Fortunately, keyword search is proposed to provide an alternative means of querying relational databases, which is simple and familiar to most Internet users. One important advantage of keyword search is that the users can search information without having to use a complex query language such as SQL or XQuery, or to understand the underlying data structures. This talk will discuss efficient algorithms, effective indexing structures, and ranking mechanisms to support efficient keyword search over structured data.
李国良,清华大学计算机系讲师。2004年获得哈尔滨工业大学计算机系学士学位,2009年获得清华大学计算机系博士学位,同年留校任教。主要研究方向是数据库,信息检索,数据清洗,信息集成,数据挖掘等。在国际会议ACM、SIGMOD、VLDB、IEEE ICDE、WWW、SIGIR和国际杂志The VLDB Journal、IEEE、TKDE、DMKD上发表多篇论文。