
Information Access Evaluation: A Few Updates from the Sakai Laboratory
发布时间: 2017-11-15 08:05:06 浏览次数: 供稿:BDAI实验室
演讲人:SAKAI Tetsuya
讲座时间:2017-11-17 10:00:00

In this talk, I will first introduce the Sakai Laboratory in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University. Our mission is "easy information access."

Then I will provide a small sample from our research. I will talk briefly about our recent ACM CIKM 2017 short paper on ranking cards (verticals) for mobile search, which was a collaboration

project with Naver, the major search engine in Korea. Then I will spend more time on my ACM SIGIR 2017 full paper on Bayesian approaches to evaluating information retrieval systems, as alternatives to classical significance tests.


Tetsuya Sakai is a professor and head of department at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan. He is also a visiting professor at the National Institute of Informatics. He joined Toshiba in 1993. He obtained a Ph.D from Waseda in 2000. From 2000 to 2001, he was supervised by the late Karen Sparck Jones at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, as a visiting researcher. In 2007, he joined NewsWatch, Inc. as the director of the Natural Language Processing Lab. In 2009, he joined Microsoft Research Asia. He joined the Waseda faculty in 2013. He was Associate Dean (IT Strategies Division) from 2015 to 2017. He is an editor-in-chief of the Information Retrieval Journal (Springer) and an associate editor of ACM TOIS. He is a general co-chair of NTCIR.