演讲人: Professor Michael Li,Mathematical and Statistical
讲座时间: 2014年5月16日周五下午3:00-4:00
讲座地点: 信息楼二层会议室0257室
Many complex models from science and engineering can be studied inthe framework of coupled systems of differential equations on networks. A network is described by a directed graph. A local system is defined oneachvertex, and directed edges representcouplings among vertexsystems. Questions such as stability in the large, synchronization,andcomplexity in terms of dynamic clustersareof interest. A morerecentapproach is to investigate the correlations between networktopologyand dynamicalbehaviours. I will present some recent resultsonthe construction of global Lyapunovfunctions for coupled systemsonnetworks using a graph theoretic approach, and show how suchaconstruction can help us to establish globalbehavioursofcomplexmodels.