
中科院报告:Decision entrustment and social optimality in repeated bilateral agent interactions
发布时间: 2014-06-17 08:25:00 浏览次数: 供稿:未知
讲座时间:0000-00-00 00:00:00

演讲人: 梁浩锋教授 香港中文大学计算机科学与工程学系

讲座时间: 2014年7月8日,星期二上午,10:00-11:30

讲座地点: 中科院数学与系统科学研究院南楼,二楼202房间(四环保福寺桥南,恒兴大厦南边)



During multiagent interactions, robust strategies are needed to help the agents to coordinate their actions on efficient outcomes. A large body of previous work focuses on designing strategies towards the goal of Nash equilibrium under self-play, which can be extremely inefficient in many situations such as prisoner’s dilemma game. To this end, we propose an alternative solution concept, socially optimal outcome sustained by Nash equilibrium (SOSNE), which refers to those outcomes that maximize the sum of all agents’ payoffs among all the possible outcomes that can correspond to a Nash equilibrium payoff profile in the infinitely repeated games. Adopting the solution concept of SOSNE guarantees that the system-level performance can be maximized provided that no agent will sacrifice its individual profits. On the other hand, apart from performing well under self-play, a good strategy should also be able to well respond against those opponents adopting different strategies as much as possible. To this end, we consider a particular class of rational opponents and we target at influencing those opponents to coordinate on SOSNE outcomes. We propose a novel learning strategy TaFSO which combines the characteristics of both teacher and follower strategies to effectively influence the opponent’s behavior towards SOSNE outcomes by exploiting their limitations. Extensive simulations show that our strategy TaFSO achieves better performance in terms of average payoffs obtained than previous work under both self-play and against the same class of rational opponents.


Professor Ho-fung Leung is a Professor and the Chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests cover various aspects centring around artificial intelligence and the web, including ontologies, intelligent agents, self-organising systems, complex systems, social computing, service-oriented architectures. Professor Leung has authored about 200 papers, including 3 research monographs. Professor Leung was the chairperson of ACM (Hong Kong Chapter) in 1998. He is a Chartered Fellow of the BCS, a Senior Member of both the ACM and the IEEE, and a full member the HKCS. Professor Leung received his BSc and MPhil degrees in Computer Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and his PhD degree and DIC (Diploma of Imperial College) in Computing from Imperial College London.
