讲座内容: 下周数学系举行学术交流活动,安排两个报告。欢迎大家参加。 报告一 题目:支架材料细胞相容性评价及干细胞研究 报告人:日本东京大学王文杰博士 时间:下周一(6月29号)下午3:00-4:00 地点:信息楼四楼会议室 报告二 题目:High Dimensional Data Analysis and Dimension Reduction 报告人:美国Michigan州立大学吴强博士 时间:下周四(7月2号)下午3:30-4:30 地点:信息楼四楼会议室 摘要:Dimension reduction plays an important role in high dimensional data analysis. In this talk, I will present several classes of dimension reduction methods that are well known. Among them sliced inverse regression will be discussed in detail. I will present two extensions of sliced inverse regression that can capture the the nonlinearity and subclustering structure. Some simulations will be given. 葡京娱乐场官方网站 数学系2009-6-26