
教育部重点实验室国际前沿学术报告:Video Forgery
发布时间: 2011-03-18 03:02:00 浏览次数: 供稿:未知
讲座时间:0000-00-00 00:00:00

演讲人: Timothy K. Shih(Professor National Central Univ)

讲座时间: 3月21日 (周一)下午 14点 到 16点半

讲座地点: 信息楼四楼学术报告厅



Dr. Shih is a Professor at the National Central University, Taiwan. He was the Dean of College of Computer Science, Asia University, Taiwan and the Department Chair of the CSIE Department at Tamkang University, Taiwan. Dr. Shih is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). In addition, he is a senior member of ACM and a senior member of IEEE. Dr. Shih also joined the Educational Activities Board of the Computer Society. His current research interests include Multimedia Computing and Distance Learning. Dr. Shih has edited many books and published over 480 papers and book chapters, as well as participated in many international academic activities, including the organization of more than 60 international conferences. He was the founder and co-editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, published by the Idea Group Publishing, USA. Dr. Shih is an associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Internet Technology and an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. He was also an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. Dr. Shih has received many research awards, including research awards from National Science Council of Taiwan, IIAS research award from Germany, HSSS award from Greece, Brandon Hall award from USA, and several best paper awards from international conferences. Dr. Shih has been invited to give more than 30 keynote speeches and plenary talks in international conferences, as well as tutorials in IEEE ICME 2001 and 2006, and ACM Multimedia 2002 and 2007.


Video Forgery is a technique for generating fake video by altering, combining, or creating new video contents. We change the behavior of actors in a video. For instance, the outcome of a 100-meter race in the Olympic Game can be falsified. We track objects and segment motions using a modified mean shift mechanism. The resulting video layers can be played in different speeds and at different reference points with respect to the original video. In order to obtain a smooth movement of target objects, a motion interpolation mechanism is proposed based on reference stick figures (i.e., a structure of human skeleton) and video inpainting mechanism. The video inpainting mechanism is performed in a quasi-3D space via guided 3D patch matching. Interpolated target objects and background layers are fused. It is hard to tell whether a falsified video is the original. We demonstrate the original and the falsified videos in our website at //member.mine.tku.edu.tw/www/TIP2008/. Although video falsifying may create a moral problem, our intension is to create special effects in movie industry.

