
数学系柯媛元老师的最新成果发表在Journal of Differential Equations

更新时间:2016-03-28 09:46:00 浏览量:

近日,数学系柯媛元老师与他人合作完成的最新研究成果“Large time behavior of solution to a fully parabolic chemotaxis–haptotaxis model in higher dimensions”发表在J. Differential Equations杂志上. 该成果比较完整的解决了由著名生物数学家M. Winkler等人于2013年提出的公开问题. 在高维空间中得到了肿瘤入侵的趋化性-趋触性模型的古典解的存在唯一性及整体有界性,并在适当条件下得到了解的渐进估计. 审稿人评价“These results are new and generalize previous knowledge, inter alia asserting similar properties in the mentioned parabolic- elliptic- ODE analogue, in a natural manner. ”“Beyond this, some substantially nontrivial new ideas are involved; in particular, I enjoyed seeing the generalization of a previously known argument on persistence of the total mass of cells, as expressed in Lemma 4.4.”“All in all, I believe that this paper marks a relevant contribution to an active field of research, and that it will have considerable impact in the scientific community related to the analysis of problems from mathematical biology.”


Yifu Wang and Yuanyuan Ke(corresponding author), Large time behavior of solution to a fully parabolic chemotaxis–haptotaxis model in higher dimensions, J. Differential Equations, 260(2016), 6960--6988.