

更新时间:2008-05-13 11:00:08 浏览量:
DETECON China(德国电信咨询公司中国区)目前面向各大高校招收全/兼职实习生。 数葡京娱乐场官方网站 系与有经济计量背景的专业优先,本科与研究生均可。 中英文的详细要求如下: 初级顾问/顾问- 市场营销 岗位描述 n 初级顾问/顾问是市场营销团队的成员,他们向我们的客户提供的建议上至公司营销战略、下至产品细节甚至关税设计。我们诚邀具有商业眼光,并且勇于承担责任、面对挑战的人士加盟我们。 要求 n 专业经历 l 从业于跨国公司营销部门,特别是有承担相应职责的经历,比如市场研究、产品开发、营销传播等。 l 熟练使用商业统计软件,比如SPSS、SAS、SPSS Clementine等。具有C5.0、CR&T和神经元网络等预测模型经验者优先。 n 其他经历 l 具有电信或IT服务行业工作经验者优先考虑 n 教育背景 l 知名高校本科毕业(知名高校研究生毕业优先,但不作必须要求) l 数学、统计学、计量经济学相关专业优先 l 标准普通话、流利的英语口语和写作 n 个人要求 l 卓越的分析技能 l 对待工作积极主动、富有激情 l 注重团队合作 申请者应当突出专业经验。 我们拥有高素质的员工团队,形成了一个开放、崇尚团队合作的整体环境。在这样的环境中,我们向未来员工提供有挑战的工作岗位、丰厚的薪水、以及伴随着你的个人技能不断进步的职业发展机会。 Junior Consultant / Consultant- Quantitative Marketing Job profile n The junior consultant/ Consultant is member of the group of Quantitative Marketing, which provide our clients with recommendations which might range from as high-level as marketing strategy to as detail as product & tariff design. We invite those who have profound business insights and are eager to take responsibilities & challenges to join us. Requirements l Professional experience n Work experience in marketing departments of MNCs, especially those who have taken functional responsibilities such as market research, product development, MarComm etc. n An Expert user of professional statistical software such as SPSS, SAS, SPSS Clementine; Hands-on experience in building models like CR&T, C5.0 and Neural Net would be a definite advantage. l Additional experience n experience in telecommunication or IT services industry would be a plus l Educational background n Bachelor degree from a top university (Post graduate degree from a top university is a plus, but not required) n focus on majors which involve statistical or econometrical knowledge n excellent Mandarin and English language skills (written & oral) l Personal profile n strong analytical skills n self motivated and pro active n team oriented Applicants are asked to highlight dedicated experience. We offer a challenging position in an open and team oriented environment, which is determined by its highly qualified team. An attractive salary and the chance to develop your career together with your personal skill make this an outstanding opportunity. 简历请直接简历至:[email protected]; 邮件标题与附件标题请遵循下列格式:“应聘职位-学校-专业-姓名”,例如:“Junior Consultant-Strategy Performance-XX大学-XX专业-Name” 中英文简历与coverletter请使用PDF格式以附件方式发送。