

更新时间:2007-05-22 15:00:20 浏览量:
公司介绍: Destinator Technologies ( China ),Inc. 导世通科技(北京)有限公司 Destinator Technologies ( China ), Inc. is a wholly-owned foreign enterprise of Destinator Technologies, Inc. Destinator Technologies is a privately-funded, Silicon-Valley style, American company that provides high-end technologies for location-based platforms and handheld navigation systems. Our technologies are sold to some of the largest channels and OEMs around the world. Our technologies are used to provide solutions in handheld navigation, enterprise, military, law enforcement and first response applications. Destinator Technologies has offices in Canada , USA , Germany , Israel and China . Our partners include companies like Honeywell, HP, Mitac, Asus, Acer, ZTE and China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation. If you are interested in joining a rapidly growing, U.S.-style high tech company send us your resume. For detailed information about our company, you can go to: www.destinatortechnologies.com导世通科技为美商独资企业,在美国硅谷,加拿大,以色列等拥有强大研发团队,随着公司在中国的业务快速发展,现高薪诚邀符合公司要求的优秀人才加盟!一经录用,公司将提供优厚的薪酬福利待遇以及职业培训和发展机会。温馨提示:请投递中英文简历,我们将优先面试带有中英文简历的候选人!谢谢合作! 联系方式: E-mail:[email protected]注:请在邮件中注明应聘职位的名称或编号,并注明该招聘信息来源于ChinaHR.com。 地址:东长安街长安大厦608室www.destinatortechnologies.com 软件工程师 职位要求一年以上软件测试经验 熟悉软件测试流程,撰写完整的测试报告 有WIN2K; XP操作系统测试经验更佳 有基于手机,PDA等终端测试经验,若GPS/GIS测试经验优先考虑 软件工程师 职位要求 2年以上C++开发经验。 熟悉MFC/Win32 或 QT,QTopia,S60,UIQ 有嵌入式研发经验,最好有Symbian,WinCE或 Embedded Linux平台研发经验 工作热情,能独立工作