2 Scholarships for PhD in Information Systems Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Renmin University of China
We seek to support two strong student applications to China Scholarship Council (CSC-中国留学基金委) for PhD scholarships commencing in 2012/2013; one to be resident full-time at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia; the other full-time at Renmin University of China (RENMIN) and spending 1 year visiting QUT.
Contact: Professor Ji-Ye Mao, School of Business, Renmin University of China. Email: [email protected] Tel: 10-82509189
Research Topic: Both students will be working on a large collaborative research project titled “Reconceptualising the Information System as a Service”.
Two articles that give some sense of the study area are ...
· Gable G.G.; Sedera D.; and Chan, T. (2008). Reconceptualizing Information System Success: the IS-Impact Measurement Model. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 9(7), 377-408.
· Gable, G., & Rai, A. (2009). Reconceptualising the Information System as a Service. Paper presented at the 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy.
Supervision: Each of the two PhDs being sought with this advertisement will have the same supervisory team[1], comprised of Professors GABLE, MAO and RAI (other PhDs on the team will have other combinations of supervisors).
Research Focus: As with all PhDs, the specific topic of the thesis will evolve, and there is latitude for a variety of styles of research and foci.
QUT was recently rated the ‘top’ University in Australia for research in Information Systems … the only university in Australia to achieve an ERA (Excellence in Research Australia) rating of ‘5’, where ‘5’ is defined as: "The Unit of Evaluation profile is characterised by evidence of outstanding performance well above world standard" //arc.gov.au/default.htm ). Further, 3 of the last 4 winners of the ACPHIS[2] award for best Australian IS PhD thesis come from QUT (GABLE was Supervisor of the 1st). Based on articles 2008-2010 in the top-8[3] IS journals (5 ERA ‘A*’, 3‘A’), QUT is ranked 14th globally; higher than any other university in Europe or Australia. With 10 Professors, 15 further academic staff and 85 PhD students, QUT’s IS-Discipline is one of the largest IS research groups in the country and the world. This scale supports an annual IS-Discipline-wide Doctoral Consortium (10 external scholars), a research seminar series, structured and formal research training, and the provision of strong centralised research support. Gable designed and coordinates the IS-Discipline’s research training program, coordinates the annual doctoral consortium, and oversees its HDR students.
The ideal applicants are Master’s students in information systems or related disciplines, graduating in July 2012, who seek an academic career. They should start to apply for CSC (留学基金委) scholarship immediately through their own school.
APPENDIX – Supervisor Project-related Bios
Guy Gable is Professor in the Information Systems discipline at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia //gggable.com/ . He heads their IT Professional Services research group, and IS-Impact research track. He is Senior Editor Journal of Strategic Information Systems, and has served on the editorial boards of MISQ, JAIS and EJIS and others. His doctorate is from University of Bradford England (ICIS’91, 1STprize), and his MBA from University Western Ontario (Ivey School of Business). He has over 100 refereed publications (e.g. Management Science, Journal of the AIS, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information & Management, European Journal of Information Systems). Professor Gable has been highly active in Asia. He is Adjunct Professor Renmin University of China. He was Visiting Professor at The University of Hong Kong 2002-2007 (1 mon/yr). Before joining QUT, he was Senior Research Fellow at National University of Singapore (1986-1994). He has been 1st Chief Investigator on a string of successful Australian Research Council (ARC) grant applications totalling several million $AUD; most recently (Nov’11) an ARC Discovery and ARC Linkage (totalling AUD$1M).
Ji-Ye Mao is Professor and Associate Dean Department of Management Science and Engineering, RENMIN (also Adjunct Professor at QUT since 2009). MAO and GABLE have now formally co-supervised 2 PhDs to completion in aligned topic areas: Dr. Lan Cao (CSC) completed her PhD at QUT early 2011; Dr. Haiqing Bai completed his PhD at RENMIN mid-2011, having spent a year at QUT (CSC). They now co-supervisor Meng Zhang (CSC), who commenced at QUT in October 2011. Mao will facilitate access and oversee data collection and analysis in Beijing, also leveraging his network to maximise visibility and uptake of study results in China. He will be Principle Supervisor of one CSC PhD based at Renmin, and Associate of another 3. He brings to the team strong qualitative research experience, and close involvement in prior work (e.g. Lan Cao) and experience of researching system and services quality.
Arun Rai is Regents’ Professor and Harkins Chair in Information Systems, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University. He brings to the project 20 years of research experience[4]with IS success and impact evaluation, and more recently, Services Management. Profs Rai and Gable served jointly over several years with The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS) as Senior Region Editors for the Americas and Pacific Asia regions respectively. Rai and Gable sowed the seeds of this proposal with their paper by the same name (see above), Rai’s earlier work having much influenced Gable’s key writings on IS-Impact[5]. Rai will spend one month each year visiting QUT on the study in conjunction with each of PACIS 2012, 2013 and 2014. Rai’s deep knowledge of IS Success measurement and contemporary issues with formative construct validation have been highly influential on the study design. Rai will have a key role throughout the study, reflecting on the design, and advising on and being closely involved in analysis and interpretation. He sees substantial potential for a valuable methodological contribution. He Associate Supervise the two relatively more quantitative PhD students, and possibly other PhD students involved in the study, and will be closely involved in co-authoring top-tier papers expected.
[1] See page 2 for brief project-related bios of supervisors
[2] Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems //www.acphis.org.au/
[3] //home.aisnet.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=346
[4] Ranked among top IS researchers for publications: 5th by EJIS (2007); 16th as per CAIS (2005).
[5] It is notable that, again based on publications in the AIS Senior Scholars Basket of top-8 IS journals for the past 3 years; Gable and Rai are ranked equal 14th worldwide //vvenkatesh.com/ISRanking/index.asp