3i Systems Corporation is a leading provider of process control equipment and solutions to enhance product yield for Flat Panel Display and Semiconductor manufacturing, as well as related microelectronics industries. Its systems analyze and report processing results at critical manufacturing steps to capture excursions. These results are also used to certify the processes. 3i systems products offer a broad range of proprietary technologies in optics, algorithms, electronics and system integration dedicated to meet the process control requirements of today systems leading Flat Panel Display and advanced semiconductor technologies.3i systems products provide superior solutions for in-line process defect monitoring, critical dimension measurements, overlay determination, film thickness and optical property measurements, as well as overall fab-wide yield analysis.
3i systems headquarters are located in the Silicon Valley, California, with an experienced R&D team to develop high performance products. Its production facilities are located in Mainland China and Taiwan to provide the most cost effective solutions to its customers worldwide. 3i applies approved Western management methods mixed with Chinese culture to maximize the productivity. The company is truly a fun place to work.
3i believes that the employees of the company are the most valuable assets. With which 3i can provide its innovative solutions to its customers to achieve higher yield.
1、工程部经理 (1)
2、 系统工程师 (2)
具有设计,开发,调试光机电一体化自动光学精密仪器的经验。 动手能力强,系统问题分析判断准确,快速有效解决问题能力强。能与光学,电控,软件工程师流利沟通。
3、 光学工程师 (1)
4、电子工程师 (1)
负责高精密移动平台控制,设计整体自动控制架构。据有控制编程经验,熟悉流行的xy 移动平台控制编程。
6、软件工程师 (3)
开发用户界面,数据分析管理,与数据采集和自动控制接口, C,C++,C# 编程能力。
7、软件工程师 (2)
开发高速实时图像处理软件,熟悉高速数据采集硬体和软体,熟悉并行计算结构和方法,熟悉INTEL 和 AMD CPU 计算速度优化方法。专长C/C++ 编程,数学背景强。
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