

更新时间:2008-06-10 15:00:06 浏览量:
我公司为09年毕业的的毕业生设立实习岗位,主要工作是软件测试,而工作时间是将会定在暑假7月份。 1、职位名称:汽车电子研发中心实习生(软件测试,此实习岗位提供津贴) 2、职位要求:六级英语以上、口语良好优先,有计算机编程基础,熟悉C/C++软件,有软件测试经验优先 3、请在简历中注明可开始工作的日期,每周可工作时间和暑假后课程安排. 4、在实习结束后,表现优异者有机会被我公司招聘为正式员工. 5、请在6月30日前把简历发到以下E-mail 联系人:Ben Xu E-mail:[email protected] Flextronics As one of Fortune 500, Flextronics, headquartered in Singapore, is a leading Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS) provider by offering a complete array of design, engineering, manufacturing, logistics services. Being the top EMS supplier, Flextronics partnerships span the entire technology landscape including Motorola, Ericsson, Hewlett Packard, Alcatel, Siemens, Dell and Xerox etc. Presently, our global footprints lie on 87 operations, 12 design & engineering center and 8 industrial parks. 伟创力集团是一家全球著名的电子制造服务企业,名列世界财富500强,其总部设在美国加利福尼亚,地处硅谷中心的San Jose。随着电子制造服务行业在全球的迅速发展,伟创力现已是世界最大的电子制造服务供应商,并成为Motorola、Ericsson、Nokia、Alcatel、Siemens、Lucent、HP等世界知名企业的主要承包制造商。目前,伟创力集团在全球共建立了87个地区性制造中心,12个设计和工程中心及8个工业园区。 Flextronics Beijing Flextronics Beijing Design Center established in October 2005 to develop GSM 2G, 2.5G and 3G mobile phones, automotive electronic equipment, medical electronic quipment with the goal of becoming a leadingdesign center in the industry. Our key services and core competencies include: - Industry-leading design forelectronic equipment;

- Flexible customized models depending on customer needs;

- Leading mechanical design and engineering;

- World-class software services & products;

- Development of complete products and test systems;

- SW, HW, Mechanics and Fixtures;

- Manual and/or fully Automated;

- Support System Interfaces. 伟创力北京研发中心于2005年10月建立,致力于GSM 2G、 2.5G 、3G手机开发,汽车电子,医疗电子设备,并力争成为行业内领先的研发中心。本中心专注于设计及其相关研发服务,例如,软件、硬件开发及结构、模具设计等。 Legal Disclaimer: The information contained in this message may be privileged and confidential. It is intended to be read only by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed or by their designee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are on notice that any distribution of this message, in any form, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete or destroy any copy of this message