
互联网信息搜索:历史与未来----微软亚洲研究院副院长 马维英 博士

更新时间:2008-02-18 17:00:54 浏览量:
《智能信息检索》课程第一讲——微软亚洲研究院副院长马维英博士讲授 由葡京娱乐场官方网站 联合微软亚洲研究院于2008年春季学期开设《智能信息检索》课程将于2月21日开始第一讲,微软亚洲研究院副院长马维英博士将为大家带来题为“互联网信息搜索:历史与未来”的学术报告。 时间: 2008年2月21日(周四)晚6:00~7:30 地点: 信息楼4层学术讲堂 题目: 互联网信息搜索:历史与未来 Web Information Retrieval: History and New Trends 演讲人:微软亚洲研究院副院长 马维英 博士 演讲人履历: Wei-Ying MA Principal Researcher/Research Area Manager, Microsoft research Asia Dr. Wei-Ying MA is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research. As a Research Area Manager based in Beijing at Microsoft Research Asia, he leads a team of talented, passionate researchers to advance the state-of-the-art in Web search and data mining. Under his leadership, the team is pushing the boundaries of current search technologies by leveraging machine learning and knowledge discovery techniques to deliver the next generation of Web search. Wei-Ying currently serves on the editorial boards of both the ACM Transactions on Information System (TOIS) and ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal. He is the program co-chair of the 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2008), program co-chair of the Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM) 2007, and general co-chair of the Asia Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS) 2008. He was general co-chair of the International Multimedia Modeling (MMM) Conference 2005 and International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR) 2005. He has served on the organizing and program committees of other international conferences, including ACM Multimedia, SIGIR, CIKM, KDD, and WWW, and has published more than 180 papers in fields such as Web search, information retrieval, content-based image retrieval, data mining, adaptive content delivery, and mobile browsing.