

更新时间:2006-05-23 16:00:10 浏览量:





Title : Location-Based Information Access in Pervasive Computing Environments

Speaker: Wang-Chien Lee, Associate Professor,

Computer Science and Engineering ,

Pennsylvania State University


Location-based services (LBSs) have emerged as one of the killer applications for pervasive computing and wireless data services. These LBSs are critical to public safety, transportation, emergency response, and disaster management, while providing great market values to companies and industries. The constraints of wireless metworks, the spatial property of location-dependent data, and the mobility of mobile users open up many research opportunities in location-based services. For example, a traveler may issue a query "find me the three nearest restaurants". The answer to this query is dependent on the location where the traveler receives the query results instead of where the query was issued. In this talk, I will introduce our research work at Pervasive Data Access (PDA) group of Penn State University and focus on data management aspects of LBSs. New issues and techniques for location-dependent information access in pervasive computing environment are identified and discussed. Query processing algorithms and new mobile caching mechanisms developed for supporting complex location-based queries for mobile users will be presented.


Wang-Chien Lee is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Pennsylvania State University, where he leads the Pervasive Data Access (PDA) Research Group to pursue cross-area research in database systems, pervasive/mobile computing, and networking. He is particularly interested in developing data management techniques (including accessing, indexing, caching, aggregation, dissemination, and query processing) for supporting complex queries in a wide spectrum of networking and mobile environments such as peer-to-peer networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, and wireless broadcast systems. Meanwhile, he also works on XML, security, information integration/retrieval, and object-oriented databases. His research has been supported by NSF grants. He has served as a guest editor for several journal special issues on mobile database-related topics, including IEEE Transaction on Computer, IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, ACM MONET, and ACM WINET. He was the founding program committee co-chair for the International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM). Prior to joining Penn State, he spent several years at Verizon/GTE Laboratories, Inc, performing industrial research.

Email Address: [email protected]

Personal website: //www.cse.psu.edu/~wlee

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