亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)招收博士通知
PhD in Computer Science at the Arizona State University
Arizona State University is in a rapid growth mode with many new faculty members and expanding research programs. Accordingly, we have open positions with exciting research opportunities for PhD students. Students from top institutions like yours have done well at ASU and hence I would like to encourage your graduating students or recent alumni to consider and apply to our PhD program.
Students with strong academic records and research potential as evidenced by good grades and standardized test scores (GRE and TOEFL) have a very high chance of receiving funding via teaching assistantships, research assistantships and fellowships.
Interested students can find more about our graduate programs at//cidse.engineering.asu.edu/. We are a very large school with a faculty of 84 and growing. Last year we hired 10 faculty members and are trying to hire a similar number this year. The current faculty list of our school is at//cidse.engineering.asu.edu/facultyandresearc/director/faculty/. Our Computer Science graduate program is ranked 33rd in the world and 22nd in the US in the Shanghai ranking at//www.shanghairanking.com/SubjectCS2014.htmland 28th in the US in the recent US News and World Report Ranking. Our university is currently the largest university in the USA and its excellent faculty (//provost.asu.edu/faculty) includes two Nobel Prize winners. More details about our university and its various rankings are at//www.asu.edu/and//yourfuture.asu.edu/rankings.
In addition, Phoenix being a major metropolitan area with units of many international companies, the graduate students in our program (both Masters as well as PhD) are able to secure internships in top companies. For example, last summer, 165 of our CSE graduate students (both Masters and Ph.D. students) had internships. Some of the companies and research institutions they interned at include Adobe, AMD, Amazon, Cisco, EBay, Google, IBM, Intel, Linked in, Mathworks, Microsoft, PayPal, Qualcomm, Samsung, Sandia National Lab, On Semiconductor, Toyota, Xerox, Walt Disney, Yahoo and Yelp. In particular, 29 of them interned at Amazon and 20 of them at Intel. A significant number of them were interning at a salary range of $65,000-$80,000 per year. Subsequent to their internship, many of them receive job offers from those companies. Many of our PhD graduates have secured faculty positions at major universities such as Vanderbilt, Syracuse and Old Dominion, and many are working at top companies and research laboratories such as Microsoft Research, Google, Apple, ATT Labs, Motorola, Akamai, HP Labs, Qualcomm, GE Research, NIH and NASA.
We would appreciate it very much if you could pass the word among prospective students about considering and applying to ASU’s PhD program. If they have any questions, our graduate advising office, reachable [email protected], would be happy to answer them. We look forward to having several students and alumni from your institution in our PhD program.
Dr. Chitta Baral, Professor and Chair of Graduate program in Computer Science, Arizona State University.